Swami Ji's Journey
Sri Swami Madhavanand
Saraswathi Ji Maharaj
India has been a country of gods, sages, teachers and thinkers since ancient times. In the same eternal tradition and as its representative, the eternally decorated Shrotriya Brahminishtha Brahmlin Paramhans Swami Madhavanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj was also there. He was the protector, symbol, nurturer and inspirer of ancient Indian Sanatan Vedic knowledge and tradition. Presently the embodiment of his resolution is “Sri Vyas Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raghunathpur, Kullu”, which is rapidly moving towards its goal.
Most revered, Brahmalin Paramhansa Sri Swami Madhavananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj was born in a cultured family of Namboodiripad Vedic Brahmin of Kerala state. Growing up in the environment of values, of Sanatan Vedic education in his childhood itself, Swamiji had transformed into an expert Acharya of all the classical and practical subjects like Vedas, Vedanta, Sanskrit, rituals, astrology and English language etc.

Swami Ji's Journey
From Teacher to Renowned Sannyasi Inspired by Advaita Vedanta
Swami Ji’s early life (as revealed by Amar Singh Rana Ji, Retired B.D.O., Gaushal, Lahaul and Spiti, Himachal Pradesh) started as a teacher. Swamiji, as served as preist with Devine Life Society of Sri Swami Shivanada. Later, being influenced by the Advaita doctrine of Lord Sri Adi Shankaracharya, he became a person of great renunciation and took the Deeksha of Sannyasa from Kailash Ashram of Rishikesh and continued his spiritual practice while touring India as a Parivrajaka Sanyasi.
While traveling all over India mostly on foot, he reached Kullu district via Pathankot in around 1960 AD. After being worshiped by many dignitaries of then Kullu and Himachal Pradesh, staying for some time at many places in Kullu district, finally becoming a Brahmlin in the present Vyasashram, Bhekhali Mod, Chhimba Bawadi, Ramshila, Vyasguha of Kullu, which is a traditional Siddhaguha. He continued doing sadhana and became Brahmalin on 23 April 1995.
Swami ji remained in Paramahamsa state in Vyas Guha of Vyas Ashram for about twenty years. During the last seven years of his life, the then Brahmachari Om Kumar Sharma (currently Dr. Om Kumar Sharma, founder of Brahmalin Swami Madhavanand Saraswati Veda-Vidya Shodh Sansthan (Registered) and Principal of Sri Vyas Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raghunathpur, Kullu) remained as closest disciple and served Swamiji all round. Swamiji encouraged him (celibate Omkumar Sharma) to follow the Sanatan Vedic tradition.

Vedic Knowledge Hub for Indian Wisdom and Global Harmony
Swami ji’s resolution was that a comprehensive center of Vedic knowledge should be established in Kullu district also, so that the message of eternal Indian knowledge continues to flow in the society like Bhagwati Ganga, becoming Gyan Ganga.
Swamiji had a strong and definite opinion that for the progress of India and the world, Vedic knowledge must be propagated and preserved. Otherwise, not only India but also world humanity will surely be destroyed.
The Indian way of life will have to be established on the ideal of Gita and Veda and the nectar of Vedanta will have to be made available to the world humanity, only then the duty of being a real Indian can be fulfilled.
Not only did Swamiji had very intense and exciting burning thoughts for the upliftment and continuous spread of Sanskrit, the soul of India, but his life was also the embodiment of the ideals of ancient Indian Sanatan Vedic knowledge. This ideal tradition is also being followed in the form of Sri Vyas Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Raghunathpur, Kullu.